A New Life
By Alena Kh

Now that August is drawing closer, the yearning for a vacation is as thick as the foam on your beer. Nonetheless, this desire to “get away from it all” is common throughout all 12 months of the year.
All around me, people hate Mondays and love Fridays; Tuesdays are bearable, Wednesdays are the halfway point of the week, and Thursdays are close to “freedom.” It’s the same with months of the year: August are warmly welcomed (if you’re not staying in the city), but then comes the post-vacation syndrome followed by “bloody Christmas, but at least there’s a week off.” January is the month of “I ate too much over the holidays,” February a gray spell that gives way to “finally spring, but how annoying is this pollen” and “God, it’s hot,” then vacations, and we start all over again.
As my mother says: “If you’re always in need of a vacation, maybe what you really need is a new life.” Think about it.