Cold-Infused Tea
By Katrine Knauer

rosehip tea
A more refreshing and nutritional alternative to a cocktail or clara, a cold-infused tea is a great way to adjust to the summer heat. Here are two options to keep your body hydrated:
Chamomile & Marshmallow. Both chamomile and marshmallow root work really well with cold water, allowing their properties to emerge. Marshmallow is wonderful for digestion, something that can be challenged in the hot season, and is cooling and soothing. When cold, chamomile is fresh and slightly sweet, helping to awaken and brighten you in the morning.
Rosehip & Rose. Rosehip and roses are packed with Vitamin C and are a diuretic, antioxidant and antibacterial, great for skin and hair. They’re helpful for constipation, diarrhea, urinary tract health, as well as for people who suffer from arthritis. To make, add about two teaspoons to a cup of water then leave overnight in the fridge for at least eight hours. Enjoy in morning or throughout the day.