By Ben Holbrook

© Jocelyn Mandryk
Martin Ebner recently moved to Barcelona after a seven-year stint in Buenos Aires, where he qualified as a personal trainer and nutritionist. Embracing the city’s idyllic weather and world-class fitness facilities, he now offers personalized fitness programs to help people reach their goals in a fun, safe and sustainable way.
“It’s not about ‘abs in a week’ or ‘7-minute workouts’,” he says. “It’s about encouraging healthier habits, helping you be fitter, stronger, happier and hotter for the long-term.” His positive energy and warm Scottish lilt enable him to push you further without being intimidating. And the cherry on the cake (though there’ll be neither on Martin’s watch) is the array of workout locations.
Yes, you can meet at your gym, hotel, home or office, but you can also enjoy your sessions at the beach, in Parc de la Ciutadella or at the Montjuïc Olympic ring. “There’s something to be said about training where Olympians have competed!” he says. It’s hard to disagree.