Endorphins for the Stir-crazy
By Chris Ciolli

Given current circumstances, many of us are feeling more anxious than normal, this writer included. And while I’m grateful to have work and be able to get it done from the safety of my home (no small miracle for someone who has typically travelled for work), sometimes I feel myself start to spiral into stress.
So what’s my solution? It’s not particularly deep or meaningful, or even original. When I feel my muscles start to tense, I chase down some endorphins from exercise. Not from a daily workout (which is also really helpful), but rather a five-minute, break-up-the-monotony technique wherein, whenever I’m feeling especially antsy, I get up and do a set (50) of wall pushups or squats.
Both options are simple, silent, require zero equipment or special training, and help me get back to whatever it is I should be doing with renewed energy and concentration.