Sex Toys in Spain
By Marta Molas

Which Spanish autonomous community buys the most sex toys? What toys do people from Navarra prefer? Who loves anal plugs? What is Spain’s most popular toy? In November 2017, the sex shop presented the results of a study on sexual behavior in Spain based on 300,000 orders fulfilled over the past 13 years. The data, cross-referenced with social and demographic statistics for each region, paints a portrait of how people in Spain play in – and outside of – the bedroom.
Madrid likes to party
Who orders the most toys in Spain?
The community that buys the most sex toys is Madrid, with 12 orders per 1,000 inhabitants. The Basque Country and Balearic Islands follow with 6.8 and 6.6 orders, respectively, for the same proportion of inhabitants. At the other extreme, the least playful regions are Extremadura, Ceuta and Melilla and Canarias, with only 3 to 4 orders per 1,000 inhabitants. The national average in Spain is 6 orders for every 1,000 inhabitants.
The rich play (sexually) more
We analyzed the correlation between the sale of sex toys and per capita income.
Comparing the purchase of sex toys by region with per capita income results in a correlation of 71%. According to data from the Spanish National Institute of Statistics, Madrid and the Basque Country are the autonomous communities with the highest per capita income, and these regions are, in turn, the ones with the highest level of toy purchases per capita. Extremadura and Melilla, at the bottom in terms of income, also registered the lowest number of orders. Contradicting this trend are Catalunya and Navarra, whose inhabitants have relatively high income but are timid in the use of sex toys.
Lubricants for all
Do people in different regions prefer different toys?
If we look at the most popular products around Spain, we find that people’s preferences – at least in bed – don’t vary that much. The product with the highest demand is unquestionably water-based lube. This king of the bedroom rules everywhere. And those who have tried it, know well that sex without lube is like salad without dressing.
Coming in second place for the passionate Spanish are waterproof vibrators, the second-favorite toy for 12 communities, including Catalunya, Andalucía, Valencia and Madrid – and the latter doesn’t even have a beach. Rounding out the podium of popular products are anal vibrators and anal lubes. For the Balearic Islands and La Rioja, anal dildos come in second place; for Extremadura, it’s anal vibrators; for the Canary Islands and the Basque Country, anal lubes.
VIP sex toys
What are the most successful product categories?
Grouping the products ordered by our clients into broad categories, we find that general sex toys (vibrators, dildos, Ben Wa balls, harnesses, BDSM accessories, rings and furniture for sex) together with couples’ toys amount to 70% of all orders, with products for anal pleasure representing an additional 9%.
Sex by region
Preferences and oddities of each autonomous community
If we look at the data by region, we can see what local preferences are, as well as what doesn’t float their boats (keeping in mind that lubes are popular everywhere):
Andalucía: crazy about waterproof sex toys plus anal lubes and anal dildos. The least ordered: sexy shoes. This is the region with the most orders of vibrating cock rings.
Aragón: following water-based lubes, the most sought after products are waterproof toys, anal lubes and anal plugs. The Aragonese don’t seem to find erotic DVDs very educational. And they have a nipple fetish: it’s the community with the strongest preference for BDSM accessories related to nipples.
Asturias: they love the same things that Andalucía and Aragón do. They rarely order erotic electrostimulation devices. But one out of every ten purchases here is for a BDSM accessory. Pack your whip when traveling here.
Canary Islands: the islanders love their anal dildos, anal lubes and toys like Punto G. Like the Asturians, the Canarians rarely order BDSM electrostimulation toys. But they buy the most rotating vibrators, which make up 13% of all orders. They’re also the community with the strongest demand for erotic costumes. Well of course: they do great Carnival.
Cantabria: they love waterproof sex toys, anal lubes and the Tenga male masturbator. People in this region almost never order educational DVDs to improve their sexual skills.
Castilla y León: fans of waterproof sex toys, anal lubes and anal dildos. This is the community with the highest demand for massage oils. They don’t seem to use sex furniture.
Castilla-La Mancha: their passions are waterproof vibrators, anal lubes and sex toys for the G spot. They couldn’t care less about sex furniture. They have quite an inclination toward erotic costumes, far more than the rest of Spain.
Catalunya: people here go for waterproof toys as well as anal dildos and G-spot dildos. This is one of the communities with the strongest demand for dildos and double vibrators in Spain. They almost never buy sex furniture.
Ceuta: this city in Africa breaks with the trend and finds itself tempted by cosmetics, products to improve sexual performance and massage oils and accessories. They order the most Ben Wa balls and sexual performance products per capita than anyplace else – these people know how to train. But they don’t buy natural lubes.
Madrid: here they love waterproof toys, anal dildos and everything that has to do with sexual care. Sexy shoes are not for them. Apart from having the highest demand for sex shop items in general, they have a predilection for flavored lubes – ideal for couples.
Valencia: follows the general demand in Spain for waterproof dildos, anal lubes and anal dildos. Electrostimulation accessories are not of interest. As one would expect from the land of the fallas, they love erotic costumes plus large dildos and vibrators, far and above the rest of the country.
Extremadura: a region with some unusual proclivities … anal vibrators and realistic vibrators are in first place here. One in three orders here include anal or realistic vibrators in their purchases, well above the national average. They’re also more inclined to use sexual harnesses and almost never order inflatable / realistic sex dolls.
Galicia: One in five orders from this region are all about stimulating the G spot. No penis extenders are bought here – guess they don’t need it.
Balearic Islands: One out of every five orders in this region are for anal dildos or anal vibrators. As with Valencia, residents here are drawn to large dildos, more so than in the rest of Spain. They like anal lubes and waterproof toys. Oddly enough, they never order sex dolls.
La Rioja: One out of every five orders from La Rioja are for anal vibrators or anal dildos. They’re the biggest consumers of anal beads. But for them, sexy shoes aren’t hot at all.
Melilla: this city in Africa has a preference for BDSM whips and accessories as well as sexy lingerie, well above the rest of Spain. They also love waterproof toys and flavored and massage lubes. But there’s no interest in porn for women… do they make it themselves?
Navarra: this community buys the most erotic literature. They purchase practically as many books as sexy lingerie sets. Regarding toys, they buy waterproof items; for gels, it’s anal lube and massage oils. What don’t they buy? Gay and lesbian porn. Hmmm.
Basque Country: the Basques buy the most anal lube as well as Tenga male masturbators. They also love waterproof sex toys and sexual care products. Sex dolls don’t seem to do it for them though.
Murcia: from this region derive the most orders for remote control vibrators and couples’ vibrators. One out of every six orders includes a remote control vibrator. Sexy shoes don’t seem to exist for them.
Which community buys the most…
Sex harnesses
The community of Madrid leads the pack in the purchase of sex harnesses, with over 2,300 sold to date. Without a doubt, these have been used together with more than 16,000 anal dildos, 9,000 anal vibrators, 13,000 silicone vibrators, 13,000 G spot dildos and 7,000 realistic dildos bought by the capital of the kingdom.
Bondage & BDSM games
Asturias, Catalunya and Galícia have the most affinity for Bondage and BDSM games.
Ben Wa balls
Madrid also leads the purchase of Ben Wa balls, used by women to strengthen the vaginal pelvic floor. Women should keep themselves fit with these tools in order to best enjoy their sex partners and toys. Madrid is closely followed by Andalucía.
Double dildos
Those who most prefer this type of toy are people from Andalucía, La Mancha, Cantabria and Catalunya
Large dildos
Andalucía and Catalunya purchased more than 2,100 and 1,250 large dildos over the past 13 years.
Realistic dildos and Realistic vibrators
Madrid, Andalucía and Catalunya continue their leadership with this category. Valencia, coming on strong, follows them closely with over 4,200 dildos and vibrators sold.
Penis pumps
The demand for these articles comes mainly from Asturias, Castilla-La Mancha and Valencia.
Leather lingerie
In Asturias and Catalunya they evidently wear more leather and latex than in the rest of Spain.
Sexual performance
Another tidbit: Madrid leads once again, followed by Catalunya and and in third place Valencia, with over 13,000, 5,000 and 4,000 articles, respectively, purchased to help improve one’s sexual performance.
Anal vibrators
The fight over the derriere is like Barça vs. Madrid: Catalunya and Madrid vie for dominance, with over 7,000 and nearly 10,000 units sold, respectively, in each community.
G-spot vibrators
A very special vibrator. These are purchased primarily in Madrid (13,000+ units sold); Catalunya (10,000), Andalucía (7,000) and Galicia (4,500).
Couples vibrators
And to finish, the romantic vibrators classification: Madrid once again leads with more than 4,000 units sold. They are followed from a distance, with less than half their purchases, by Andalucía and Catalunya.