Spa-ing for Solitude
By Chris Ciolli

It seems counterintuitive. During this lockdown, when social interactions are for the most part limited to the people we live with, I’m finding new and inventive ways to hide from my partner (and my cat) in the bathroom. But surely I’m not the only one who’s feeling the need for a little me time, away from everyone else at home?
So here’s what I do. Once a week (at least) I declare a “spa evening”, and lock myself in the loo to give myself a manicure, pedicure, or face treatment, or take a long, hot bath with essential oils, sometimes even streaming a show from my iPhone, propped up where I can see it from the tub. If you don’t have a bathtub or a deep and abiding desire to do your nails, it doesn’t really matter.
The point here is to give yourself permission to step away from whoever you’re cohabitating with and pamper yourself with some time alone however you see fit.