Winestyle Travel
By Fintan Kerr

Ever get the feeling that wine is unnecessarily complex and wrapped up in itself? Its inability to ditch the metaphorical language and speak plainly has always been a thorn in its side, and this is where a bit of extra expertise is necessary to bridge the gap. Informative, easy-to-understand content? High-quality consultation for the industry? Tailored, luxury wine trips? Sounds like a job for Winestyle Travel.
Led by the passionate and knowledgeable Glòria Vallès, Winestyle Travel specializes in connecting wine with wine lovers, translating technical jargon into the genuine experience of enjoying wine and helping wineries to understand and communicate effectively with their customers. From organizing and tailoring luxury wine trips around the world to hosting team-building, tasting events for your company, you're in good hands with Winestyle.
See below for our in-depth interview with Vallès, and be sure to check out their regularly updated website for more information, tips and tricks about the world of wine and the opportunity to explore and travel for yourself. ¡Salut!
Please tell us a bit about how Winestyle Travel came about.
Winestyle was born with the aim to connect people with wine through a new kind of language and style. We help wineries get closer to consumers and encourage wineries to try new things. I founded Winestyle in 2015 after managing and cofounding Can Bonastre Wine Resort. After more than a decade working in marketing in the wine sector, I saw a clear gap between wineries and consumers and felt that with my experience and vision I could bring value and innovation to the sector.
How would you describe Winestyle Travel?
Winestyle Travel is an online magazine and social media communities where we talk about wine and traveling from a lifestyle perspective, all with the idea of bringing wine to people. Our readers are typically in their 30s to 50s, people who like to travel and of course enjoy good food and drink. We organize trips with our partner Ferrer & Saret, a prestigious travel agency based in Barcelona, to show people the main wine and gastronomic destinations around the world. We also organize team-building activities for companies advise wineries and other businesses in the sector on their marketing strategies.
What makes Winestyle special?
To enjoy our recommendations you don't have to be an expert in wines. We give our readers ideas for times and places to enjoy good wine – trips, restaurants or wine bars around the world. Our philosophy is you don’t need to “understand wine” to drink good wine – you just need to relax and enjoy! Unfortunately for a long time now the sector has been losing people with messages that are too technical and upscale. That kind of language may be interesting for wine connoisseurs and experts, but it alienates everyone else.
Please give us a few personal recommendations.
The Champagne province in France and Mendoza region in Argentina are both places that fascinate me. I would go there every year! Closer to home, the Can Bonastre Wine Resort is just 30 minutes from Barcelona. You can stay the night or just spend the day at their magnificent wine spa with wine tastings and restaurant overlooking Montserrat – it’s a magical place.
Plans for the future?
We’ll continue helping wineries reach new audiences, particularly young people. And we’ll stay focused on creating fresh, accessible content about wine and travels for our readers and social media communities.