1 Dia 1 Foto
By Kate Busby

Barcelona.30.09.14 - 15.45 - © Jorge Represa
Arts Santa Mònica kick-starts the year’s exhibition program with a visual round up of the last: one photo of each day in 2014.
The show functions like an old-fashioned version of Instagram, a roll of snapshots lining the gallery walls featuring some of Catalunya's key dates in its annual calendar: the fearless Barceloneta swimmers plunging into the sea on New Year’s Day; La Fira d’Abril; the annual match between Barça and Real Madrid as well as more intimate moments in the lives of individual residents.
“The 31 photographers who make up this show are professionals who have worked in their industry for decades,” explain the show’s curators Inés Martínez Ribas and Rycardo de Paz. “Each was assigned one day in each month, and with their cameras they have managed to capture the richness and nuances of our surroundings.”
Quietly, the show is a roller coaster: in 31,536,000 seconds in the life of Catalunya, you’ll see it all: birth, death, triumph and collapse.