36 Days of Type

“Type is what meaning looks like” (Max Phillips) could have been the call to arms of 36 Days of Type, a Barcelona-based initiative offering “a space for creation around typography and its endless graphic possibilities.” Now in its fourth edition, the project invites designers, illustrators and graphic artists to submit works interpreting one of 26 letters or 10 digits. The curated results of this process – in which over 200 artists participated – are presented at design studio Vasava’s new exhibition space, together with workshops, talks, screenings and other activities. The exhibition opens on Thursday, April 27th at 7pm and will run through May 7th.
Alex Trochut / Brosmind / Cocolia / Daniel Artistizábal / Pedro Oyarbide / Friends of Type / Bisgràfic / Chamo San / Margarida Esteves / Jon Contino / Muokkaa / Losiento / Marta Veludo / Noelia Lozano / Maria Corte / Felipe Pantone / Petra Eriksson / Relajaelcoco / Solo / Made Up / Studio Muti / Vasava / Bunkertype / Birgit Palma / Yomar Augusto / Atipo / La Boca / Machineast / Basora / Mario de Meyer / Reskate Studio / Forma / Eni Saurus / David Sierra / Si Scott / Serial Cut™ / Pleid Studio / Pablo Thomas / Sebastien Greffe / Amanda Berglund / Joan Quirós / David Oku / Daniel Hernández Estrada / Pedro Perles / Royal Studio / Wete / Luke Ferrand / Sezen Tunca / ROIDS MSK / Bianca Dumitrascu / Nice Studio / Casiegraphics / Yannis Mallis / Sebastian Abboud / Dani Blanc / Estoesalgo / Nerea Blanco / Supermagicfriend / Klahr Grafisk Design / Velvet Spectrum / Massimo Miliucci / Gabriel Benderski / Marcelo Jiménez / Alessandro Strickner / Francesco Guerrera / Víctor Bregante / Pablo Bosch / Dots&Dash / Sebastian Villabona / Dailos Pérez / Pedro Veneziano / Lluís Terradellas / Martha Mox / Kike Yido / Noem9 Studio / Ana Seixas / Yippiehey / Baimu Studio / Gustavo Méndez LVN / Nela Snow / Mister Woody Woods / Amalteia / Ales Santos / Serafim Mendes / Chema Lc / Marco Meloni / Helio Vega / Estudio Santa Rita / Lucie Mouchet / Justyna Stasik / Rubén Chumillas / Mariano Fiore / Wes L Cockx / Lena La Ballena / Bnomio™ / Daniél Niederkofler / Juan Díaz-Faes / Ming-Hsuan Lee / Rodrigo Fortes / Rocca Luis César / Shahin Haghjou / Todd Wendorff / Kunel Gaur / Kateryna Frankenstein / Eduardo Dosuá / Tobias Hall / Bluetypo / Ana Types Type / Adrià Molins / Jorge Tabanera / Grace García Salcedo / Quattrolinee / P.A.R / Adam Lewis / Teresa Cucala / Serse Rodríguez / Mariano Pascual / Arnau Pi / Sanja Kusturica / Alberto Carnero / Skip1frame / Martin Asca / Tanvi Chunekar / Joonas Jansson / Rik Oostenbroek / Ilya Lapin / Aaron Kaufman / Andrea Sopranzi / Tamas Arpadi / Stefan Hürlemann / Mr. Zyan / ThoughtMatter & Steve Baust / Champolatype / Pablo Iranzo / Wendy Xu / Luis B Hernández / Cess™ / 호진 Hojin / Margarita Rivera / Sergi Delgado / Nick Matej / Malmö / Fran Velasco / Velckro / Giuseppe Di Carlo / Prateek Vatash / Matti Vandersee / Rylsee / Sergio Bergocce / D A Q / Adolfo Correa / Fabio Perez / Kittokatsu & Lilly Friedeberg / Natalia Ros / Kyle Wilkinson / Miguel Marques / Arnold Hoepker / Ely Zanni / Miriam Persand / Snack Studio / Andrés Momó / Stephan Leddick / Monica Toledo / Erna Chai / Josep Prat Sorolla / Oscar Daniel Montilla / Andrés Requena / Rafael Mayani / Maxi Vargas / Humbert Fleitas / Cris Goms / Maan Design / Eduardo Molea™ / Juliette Meunier / Lorena G / Carlos Bermúdez / Peter Cobo / Patrick Gray / Fran Méndez / CaliDoso / Nuria Madrid & Cristian Malagón / Argijale / Luke Ritchie / Sam Ellis / Eltipo / Manolo Frausto / Riccardo Sabatini / Gabe Aguilera / Albert Ramon Mulet / Albert Romagosa / Blake Kathryn / Jorge Gallardo / Adam Hayes / Fabiola Mejía Lutz / Hey / Òscar Medina / Santiago Wardack / In House International / Kristina Nikaj / Alejandro Freitez / Beatriz Pavón / Chumbak / Mash Creative / Thomas Burden / Carol Rollo / BÜRO UFHO / Oscar Bastidas / Miguel Bardales / Génesis Linares / Farah Hannah / Mr. Cärtön / Safosone / Jabi Medina / Luigi Brusciano / Iker Muro / Eightvisions