Allora & Calzadilla
By Sophie Cameron

Culture, history and geopolitics converge with a range of artistic mediums in the work of Jennifer Allora and Guillermo Calzadilla, an American-Cuban collaborative duo based in Puerto Rico. Having met while studying abroad in Italy in 1995, the artists have worked for more than twenty years on a vast range of projects, with their projects combining performance, sculpture, sound, video and photography.
This month Fundació Antoni Tàpies presents Allora & Calzadilla’s first solo exhibition in Spain, presenting a selection of works produced between 1996 and 2017. As is common in their work, the exhibition features a strong auditory dimension: Stop, Repair, Prepare: Variations on “Ode to Joy” for Prepared Piano (2008) examines the dynamic between musician and instrument, while Wake Up (2007) features new compositions from a variety of trumpeters, both challenging traditional conceptions of museum spaces.