allWomen Talks
By Charlotte Stace

Calling all tech-savvy women! allWomen is the city’s first academy of data science, UX/UI design and product management to offer part-time or full-time courses for women by women.
Only one in five computing jobs are currently held by women worldwide. The organization aims to leverage Barcelona’s status as one of Europe’s major tech capitals to build a community here which empowers and spotlights women within technology and works to close the gender gap.
allWomen’s courses and special events are open to any woman wishing to pursue or develop her career within the tech field. allWomen also organizes regular, free talks welcoming women as well as male “allies” to its campus at MOB Caterina with a focus on topics on technology, diversity, AI, UX/UI, product management and more.
Upcoming events include a talk on data ethics with data, ethics and innovation consultant Gemma Galdon Clavell on March 6th as well as info sessions on how to career shift, and “slow dating” sessions with local recruiting employers.