By Charlotte Stace

For the first time in its history, Apolo transforms into a stage where installation art, dance, electronic music and science fiction come together. Elvi Balboa reimagines the venue beyond its nightlife identity, turning it into a space for sensory exploration and experimentation. Her piece, called ANOA, challenges our perceptions, and uses movement, sound and light to create an immersive experience for all to enjoy.
The performance follows characters escaping an oppressive, ultra-technological world through climax and liberation. Elvi’s has choreogrpahed the piece to represent an act of resistance and an accumulation of sensual energy, movement and voice leading to cathartic release.
She positions the body as both a medium of expression and a site of inquiry. In dialogue with electronic music and science fiction, her multidisciplinary approach integrates soundscapes and light architecture to challenge perceptions of movement, identity and collectivity. If you’re looking for something really unique to see, then we highly recommend this innovative performance. Tickets on sale now.