Arcana: the Secrets of Tarot
By Aimee Lawrence

Núria Gómez Gabriel © Rafael Arocha
The Chiquita Room artistic space in Sant Antoni celebrates its first anniversary with a 24-hour party and a collective exhibition inspired by tarot cards. The Arcana: the Secrets of Tarot exhibition kicks off on November 16th and runs into 2020, coming to a close on February 15th, with 22 artists being invited to reinterpret tarot from their own unique perspective and artistic language.
Curated by Laura González Palacios, the director and founder of Chiquita Room, she brings together pieces by Beatriz Sánchez who offers a video tutorial; Fito Conesa, who musically interprets the letter La Fuerza; Susana Blasco with a textile collage about The Empress; Sergio Mora, who illustrates the Pope on tiles; and Laia Arqueros Claramunt, who conceives a hermitage of ceramics, light and sounds.
The opening event will run across 24 hours, with tarot readings throughout the night, tattoos by Yannick Sanches, a queer tarot workshop with Txus Garcia and performances of the Larre collective, inspired by the La Luna card.