Barcelona Fashion Recyce
By Aimee Lawrence

You might still be slapping on the SPF, but closets will soon be filled with summer threads in exchange for the goods that keeps us warmer. High street stores will be toying with your weak spot to buy in a whole new wardrobe, but consider resisting and first heading along to Barcelona Fashion Recycle on Sunday, October 13th.
For a mere €10, you can have a glass of cava in hand, while stashing away as many second-hand pieces as your bag can handle. Money raised will go to their two causes: The Put Foot Foundation for school shoes and supplies for children in Southern Africa and AADAS, an association in Barcelona which help victims of sexual violence in Catalunya.
Declutter and refresh while shunning fast fashion and help our fellow humans. You can drop off any of your pre-loved items directly at the venue on the day or contact to arrange dropping them off before the event.