Bouchra Khalili: Between Circles and Constellations
By Charlotte Stace

MACBA welcomes you to its latest exhibition, Bouchra Khalili: Between Circles and Constellations. Khalili, a Moroccan artist, has put together a repertoire of life stories that talk about belonging, anti-colonial struggles and the strategies for resistance of subjugated communities.
Exploring modes of historiography and drawing on conversations and archival material, the artistic practice of Khalili is an exploration of anti-colonial struggles, post-colonial histories of liberation and solidarity. Interweaving historical accounts and real-life stories, her works reinforce the political agency of subjects rendered invisible by the nation-state model of citizen membership.
The exhibition’s title refers to Al-Halqa, literally ‘the circle’, ‘the assembly’, a centuries-old tradition of storytelling in public spaces in Morocco, in which the audience participation is an essential part and where stories unfold in multiple layers. Between Circles and Constellations brings together projects from the last ten years of Khalili’s oeuvre, including film, video-installations, photography and documentary material.