Brasil, 2 Caras
By Sophie Cameron

Eduardo Fukushima: Homen Torto
Brazilian dance is rich and diverse, reaching beyond typical images of samba or capoeira. Barcelona dance center Mercat de les Flors is currently working on Trocas, an educational program that sees Spanish companies travel to Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo and Brazilian artists welcomed to Barcelona.
This month, two such performers will take to the stage as part of Brasil, 2 caras (Brazil, 2 Faces), a showcase of contemporary Brazilian dance. The first is Gustavo Ciriaco with Onde o horizonte se move (Where the Horizon Moves), a site-specific project featuring volunteers from the Poble Sec neighborhood.
He’s followed by Eduardo Fukushima, who combines Asian corporal techniques such as Seitai and Qigong with artistic gymnastics, Indian dance and others; see his Homem torto (Crooked Man) or Como superar o grande cansaço? (How to Survive the Great Fatigue?).