Breaking the Sexual Routine
By Marta Molas

“I'm tired of always falling into the same routine. In my relationships my sexuality has practically disappeared between working, taking care of the house, the kids – and I don't know what new things to try in bed. I'm tired and stressed so often, and I just want to rest, but this frustrates me since I feel like life is passing me by, year after year – I feel like I'm wasting my life.”
If this sounds familiar, this talk is for you. Sex therapist Héctor from Vuelve a Sentir Placer will be giving a free talk about how to explore and enhance sexuality as part of a couple. He'll be sharing the Vuelve a Sentir Placer method aimed at kindling desire and promoting openness, curiosity and sensitivity.
The talk will cover topics like making sexual agreements to improve communication, connecting with fantasies to unleash hidden sexual desires and finding new formulas to rekindle one's sex life… both in the context of monogamous as well as other kinds of relationships. In all cases, the fundamental pillars are communication and sincerity.
RSVP required: contact amantis Gràcia by phone (+34 93 501 06 41) or email ([email protected]) to reserve your place. (The talk will be given in Spanish.)