Brick Lane BCN
By Clare Considine

Brick Lane BCN (aka BLBCN) has been hosting some of Barcelona’s best vintage fairs for some time now. I spoke to founder Krystal-Joy to find out what else they have up their paisley sleeves.
“It’s a fun time for us at the moment,” explains Krystal-Joy. “We are going in the direction of lifestyle. Vintage is just one of the many areas that the BLBCN brand represents. We also love design, music, food and just overall fashion. So definitely expect to see us expanding in these directions.”
And what about the future of vintage style in Barcelona? “I believe that vintage in Spain will become more mainstream within fashion magazines and things like that. In the meantime, we shall continue to do our best to keep the quality and experience of what we do high.”
The €2 entry includes free drinks, thanks to sponsors Zubrowka Vodka.