Cala Vento
By Charlotte Stace

What is probably Barcelona’s favorite rock duo lands at the Cruïlla Tardor this coming October 29th at the Sala Apolo. After releasing their last album Balanceo (2019), the pair have been performing and touring across Spain.
Since they started composing together in 2014, Joan and Aleix have released thirty-eight songs. Their music has always been characterized by the immediacy, strength and emotional intensity of those who live passionately and are more affected than ever by the doubts of a generation without a future. Yet, Cala Vento has the ability to convey optimism and joy from a seemingly fatalistic position.
To take control of the editing and distribution process of making a record, the duo decided to create Montgrí - their own record label. They’ve taken advantage of their small infrastructure as a platform to produce the works of other related and well-loved musicians, such as Lagartija Nick or Los Manises.