Carnaval 2023
By Charlotte Stace

Since Roman times, Carnaval marks the time just before Lent starts where people, if they desire, can enjoy one last chance to eat, drink and be merry, before their 40 days of fasting begin. Over the years, this has developed into one big festivity known around the world as Carnival (Carnaval in Spanish).
So what can you expect for Carnaval in Barcelona? The celebrations kick off on ‘Fat’ Thursday, which is centred around food, followed by Carnaval Friday which is the day of the arrival of the Carnival King. On Saturday, the city holds a parade with music, fancy dress and lots of evening parties.On Sunday, the Carnival King's parade, taronjada (orange fight) and big sarau (masked ball) take place. Events continue until Ash Wednesday, which sees the burial of the Carnival King.
One of the most exciting events on Barcelona’s calendar, this is one experience you should definitely be a part of.