Catalonia Yoga Retreat
By Charlotte Stace

Would you love to escape the city for a few days, disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life, and take some real time just for you to reconnect with your mind and body? If the answer is ‘HELL YES’ then you might be interested in Jakaranda Yoga’s Catalonia Yoga Retreat.
For one week, Sarah - the brains behind Jakaranda Yoga - will lead a yoga retreat to Torrelles de Foix in Catalunya’s cava region. As part of the retreat, you’ll join a group of like-minded people and stay in a traditional Catalan farmhouse with its very own private pool, spa, yoga shala and resident animal family. Here, Sarah will guide you through your yoga practice. You’ll try new poses, movements and breathwork. What’s more, you’ll feast on delicious homemade meals, enjoy a massage or reiki healing session.
If this sounds like just the thing you need, get in touch with Sarah now and sign up.