Chantal Akerman: Facing the Image
By Charlotte Stace

La Virreina holds a new exhibition on the work of Chantal Akerman entitled 'Facing the Image'.
The exhibition shows a number of installations of the artists’ work. Some of these were made based on existing films that Akerman had been involved with; others led to new shoots, or to new explorations. Akerman was particularly fond of working on installations, because it gave her a feeling of great freedom. She liked to do everything “at home,” like artisans, without having to explain to anyone what we wanted to achieve. She said that an installation, even more than a film, was something that can’t be described ahead of time but is born little by little, through the work itself.
This exhibition isn’t thematic, but proposes an open-ended journey connecting the various pieces, inviting viewers to discover them, to face them, to let themselves be steeped in their presence, to explore the space at their own rhythm, and create their own paths.