Chica Sobresalto
By Charlotte Stace

Chica Sobresalto comes to Sala Apolo on November 12th as part of Cruilla Tardor 2021.
Many people will know Chica Sobresalto - Maialen Gurbindo - for taking part in the spanish singing talent show Operación Triunfo 2020. During her time in the contest, the Navarrese singer already had her sights set on her most recent project, Sinapsis (2021). The singer has been developing this project for four years. Along the way artist and project have matured together. With the help of Chica Sobresalto‘s persona, Maialen has been able to portray her soul in each of the songs on the album.
Dopamina, Endorfina, Adrenalina… the songs’ names show the influence of psychology on her work. And it is with a magnificent exercise of introspection and catharsis that she returns to the stage, almost in a state of mental nirvana.