Christmas Solidarity Walk
By Charlotte Stace

What’s not to love about the festive season? Delicious food and drink, endless Christmas parties with friends and colleagues, and presents galore. But amidst the cheer, it’s easy to overlook the heart of the season: caring, compassion, and giving to those in need.
If you’d like to approach this festive period slightly differently and see it as a chance to get involved with giving back to the local community, then join hundreds of locals for the Caminada del Nadal Solidari (Solidarity Christmas Christmas Walk).
In collaboration with the charity Càritas, you are invited to take part in this 10.5km walk, starting and ending in Parc de la Ciutadella. To support the vulnerable, there’ll be a food collection point where donations can be left for Càritas. The walk will start between 9am and 9.30am and should finish around 1pm.