Churros con Chocolate - Antichurros
By Kit Macdonald

A longtime favourite of the city's LGBTQ+ community, going to Churros con Chocolate has always been a fabulous use of a Sunday night, but this extended, 12-hour edition looks a particularly heady treat thanks to a headliner who has always struck a perfect balance between authentic musical realness and out-and-out fun.
London's Jake Williams has been churning out bangers for around 30 years, firstly as JX, under which he produced the canonical likes of Son Of A Gun and There's Nothing I Won't Do. He's been known as Rex the Dog since the mid-2000s, initially ploughing a neon-electro furrow in the years around his 2008 album The Rex The Dog Show and high-profile remixes for the likes of The Knife and Depeche Mode. Since then he has reinvented the Rex The Dog sound and image, with a steady stream of releases on the venerable German label Kompakt, all produced on the self-built modular synth setup he carries around the world with him for his live shows.