Cinema Protesta
By Charlotte Stace

While Barcelona is home to a number of film festivals, Vic is gaining itself a reputation as another cinema festival location in Catalunya. This October welcomes the return of Vic’s Cinema Protesta, an international film festival of social criticism that aims to help transform society constructively, positively and creatively, through cinema.
Cinema is a way to shed light on hidden realities and allow silenced voices to be heard. The link between cinema and society is close and, as in all the arts, cinema is often a reflection of reality seen through the artistic gaze.
In order to help shine a light on some of the main issues both locally and internationally the 9th edition of this festival will show a range of films between the 15th and 23rd October. These will include Foreigner by Carlos Violadé, Taming the Garden by Salome Jashi, and Shadow Game by Eefje Blankevoort and Els van Driel.