Circ d’Ara Mateix
By Charlotte Stace

The Circ d’Ara Mateix - programmed by the Mercat de les Flors - brings a fresh batch of innovative and contemporary circus performances to the city.
A celebration of the modern circus, this series offers a space for creative freedom and experimentation fused with diversity and contemporary art. A selection of local artists will take part in the event, combining their training with international influences to offer new perspectives and circus languages that aim to engage with a diverse audience. Circus performers taking part include: Les Filles du Renard Pale, Centre de les Arts de Circ Rogelio Rivel, Cia Doisacordes, and La Vispera.
Each performer and group, will infuse new light and energy into the world of circus. Of course, it all starts with the body, so each performance will have put the ‘body as a tool for exploration’ at the centre of the performance. Don’t miss it live.