Coronavirus Cancellations

On Saturday, March 14th, the Spanish government announced a State of Alarm for the country (with subsequent modifications) in order to combat the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus (Boletín Oficial del Estado, link in Spanish). Provisions of this order limit the free movement of people except individually to travel home, purchase food, medicine or necessity goods, go to a hospital, health clinic, financial institution, work (if necessary) or veterinarian, provide support to children, elderly or the disabled, or walk a pet.
On Saturday, March 29th, the Spanish government extended the State of Alarm until midnight (11:59pm) of Saturday, April 11th. On April 4th it was announced that the State of Alarm be extended until April 26th. It was extended another 15 days on April 8th until May 9th.
Prior to the State of Alarm, the Generalitat de Catalunya had established a series of prevention and containment measures (link to info in Catalan / official resolution, PDF in Catalan) with regard to Catalunya ordering the cancellation of events, closure of schools and universities, libraries, civic centers and museums (link to PDF in Catalan), shopping centers, gyms, nightclubs, ski resorts, cinemas, bars and restaurants.
As of March 26th the central government has also ordered the closure of hotels, hostels and similar establishments across Spain. The Ajuntament de Barcelona is publishing updates on the measures it is implementing (link to info in English).
At this point only hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, supermarkets, shops selling “necessity goods,” news stands, IT & telecom stores, tobacco sellers (estancos), laundry shops, veterinarians, pet shops and gas stations remain open. Restaurants are closed although food delivery is permitted. Hair salons may provide in-home service.
Public transportation continues to operate but with service restrictions.