Couples’ Communication
By Marta Molas

Lots of couples make the mistake of thinking sex is everything. “We don’t fit, the spark’s gone, it’s not like was before…” A thousand and one reasons to assume the relationship has had its day. But do you tell your partner what you’re thinking? Do you act on your feelings?
Each of us has to learn to communicate effectively with our other half in order to resolve complicated situations, negotiate and arrive at agreements so both can feel satisfied. Learning to communicate is being able to say what we feel, want and need, but also listening to the other person and avoiding conversational loops where we end up getting angry without solving the problem.
If you could benefit from tips on how to get talking, sign up to Mireia Manjón’s workshop this month. She’ll take the class through topics including active listening, assertive communication, feminine vs. masculine language and more, all with the aim of increasing happiness and satisfaction for both parties.
RSVP required: contact amantis Gràcia by phone (93 501 06 41) or email ([email protected]) to reserve your place. (The workshop will be held in Spanish.)