D'A Film Festival 2023
By Charlotte Stace

Barcelona's D'A Film Festival - an essential springtime event for the fans of contemporary indie and auteur cinema - is back for another edition.
One of the city’s cultural trademarks, it will introduce an international panorama of the finest contemporary auteur cinema, combining the discovery of emerging new talents and cinematographies with internationally established directors and films. This edition will have on-site screenings at the CCCB, Aribau Multicines, Filmoteca de Catalunya and the Zumzeig cinema. Aside from the films, there will be a range of professional activities such as talks and workshops.
The lineup this years includes Amb la Boca Petita, Casa Susanna, Dialogando Con La Vida, EL Origen del Mal, Fairytale, Human Flowers of Flesh, Il Boemo, La Concha, La Gran Juventud, La Muchedumbre Reaparecerá Siempre, and La Mujer de Tchaikovsky, among many others. Buy your tickets online now.