D'A Film Festival 2024
By Charlotte Stace

An essential springtime event for the fans of contemporary indie and auteur cinema, Barcelona's D'A Film Festival is back for its 2024 edition.
One of the city’s cultural trademarks, it will introduce an international panorama of the finest contemporary auteur cinema, combining the discovery of emerging new talents and cinematographies with internationally established directors and films. As usual, the festival will take place across a range of cinematic venues in Barcelona, with screenings at Teatre CCCB, Aribau Multicines, and La Filmoteca, among others. What’s more, aside from the film screenings, there will be a range of professional activities such as concerts, podcast recordings, talks, and workshops.
The lineup this year includes Joao Canijo’s Viver Mal, Wang Bing’s Youth (Spring), Tsai Ming-liang’s Abiding Nowhere, Hong Sang’s El Nostre Dia, and Stephane Brize’s Hors-Saison. Tickets start at 30 Euros - get yours now.