Empty Pictures. Oriol Vilapuig
By Charlotte Stace

La Virreina Centre de la Imatge invites you to their latest exhibition featuring the works of Catalan artist, Oriol Vilapuig.
The images in the work of Vilapuig, are a kind of poiesis, in other words, a trigger that generates meaning and invites us to consider not only the position of the artist but also the stances of those who approach them.Rather than an archive of fetishes retrieved from the past or from the present, the snapshots that Vilapuig creates share a tripartite nature: they come from extemporaneous places and are heading towards ungovernable locations; they walk with one foot in the apocalypse and the other in apotheosis; they speak while revealing themselves and they empty themselves so that we can narrate them.
The exhibition unfolds in a series of interlaced phases. Eight plot threads—‘Overture’, ‘Threshold’, ‘Dwelling and organising’, ‘Folie des hommes’, ‘Otranto fanfare’, ‘Time, Desire, Tedium’, ‘Repetition’ and, lastly, ‘The fascinating room’ - weave together the fabric of this work.