Festa del Foc
By Charlotte Stace

As part of La Mercè celebrations, the city will celebrate its Festa del Foc “Festival of Fire” on Passeig de Gràcia from 8-10pm on September 24th.
Groups of devils, dragons and beasts will turn Passeig de Gràcia into an inferno of fire at dusk. As we cannot have a correfoc “fire run” this year, instead spectators will be able to walk along the promenade of the city’s most central street and from there enjoy a show that will fill the space with sparks and explosions, as well as the most fanciful pyrotechnic displays.
In order to keep safety measures in place, onlookers will stay on one side of the street, while the fire show takes place on the other. Make sure you get there early and save yourself a spot as it’s expected to be a busy event - we’ll see you there!