Festa major de horta
By Charlotte Stace

Along with Barcelona’s endless summer sunshine, comes endless summer parties. Aside from music festivals and rooftop discos, there are the highly anticipated festes majors - translating to “big party” in Catalan. Moving from district to district, these parties are celebrated in every neighbourhood. And that’s exactly what you get and this month with the Festa Major de Horta in the north of the city.
Across two weeks there will be many events which include dancing, concerts for young people, activities for kids, outdoor community meals, sporting contests, and scavenger hunts. The rich and varied popular culture of the neighbourhood also plays a very important role in the festival. This festa major kicks off with the highly anticipated cercavila d'inauguració, the opening procession, and ends with an impressive correfoc (fire run), which will bring the festival to a close.
The best thing about these parties is that people come together to have a good time and see off summer in style.