Festa Major de Sants
By Ben Holbrook

Much like the fabled Festa Major de Gràcia that precedes it, but with smaller crowds and a more local vibe, the Festa Major de Sants offers an authentic insight into contemporary barrio life. By day you can expect psychedelic street decorations, cava-fueled barbecues and death-defying castellers (human castles). Crowds swell as dusk falls, and local bands pump out an endless stream of block-rockin’ beats.
Don’t miss the fun and games on and around streets like Valladolid, Finlàndia and Vallespir. And for all night fiestas à la summer in Barcelona, be sure to hit the main stage next to Sants Estació (just off Comtes de Bell-Lloc street), and follow the crowds to Parc de l’Espanya Industrial.
If/when you feel the need to escape the chaos, be sure to patronize one of the little bars and restaurants in Plaça d’Osca. And don’t worry if you fail to see it all in one visit, as the revelry lasts for the entire third week of August. ¿¡Qué bueno, no!?