By Charlotte Stace

Bringing together photographers with a diverse range of skills and experience, from masters of the form to groundbreaking talent, the 2nd edition of FotoFest (Festival de Fotografia del Poblenou) returns. It is a celebration and exploration of the creative approach to methods in photography, as well as a meeting place for photography aficionados and professionals to come together and enjoy the wonderful world of photography.
This year, there’ll be presentations of photographers’ work, workshops and competitions. One of the standout events will be an exhibition of a selection of work from the 20th century Catalan photographer Oriol Maspons. Accompanying him, there'll be a number of exhibits featuring exciting local artists such as Ana Jiménez Remacha, Juan Linux, Carles Domènech, and Joan Masats.
Events will be spread across three main spaces in Poblenou: Casal Poblenou; Palo Alto; and Oliva Artés. Entrance is free.