Futuroa Sarao Drag 2021
By Charlotte Stace

Sala Apolo welcomes back the most fun and fabulous evening of the year with Futuroa Sarao Drag!
This drag race is proud of its objective to avoid stereotypes - and always looks to question gender and its outdated limitations. First and foremost, it’s a party, a celebration of queerness, and a moment of love, blending glitter, bodies and euphoria. The only rule in this sort of contest is respect!
On December 11th the rule of the reigning champion, Goliarda Parda, will be challenged by guest artists still yet to be announced. However, the return of hostess Licorka Fey as well as Futuroa Sarao fixture Conxxa Vitoy are inevitable.
And naturally, they’re opening the call for new contestants to the crown! You could be the new ruler of the Sarao! If you’re interested contact them directly via the event website.