Gaby Moreno
By Charlotte Stace

Guatemalan-born singer-songwriter and producer, Gaby Moreno, has been captivating audiences with her soulful music for years.
Since moving to Los Angeles, she has released seven albums, earned Grammy nominations for Alegoría (2023) and Illusion (2017), and won a Latin Grammy for Best New Artist in 2013. She has collaborated with some of the biggest names in the business - Bono, Tracy Chapman and Buena Vista Social Club - and mixes a range of genres in her work with blues, jazz, soul and r’n’b taking centre stage. Aside from her solo work, she’s been involved with television, co-writing the themes for Parks and Recreation and featuring in Orange Is The New Black, as well as Guillermo Del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities.
Now she’s back with her brand new album, Dusk (2024). Mixing folk and blues, this new record catapults her to new professional heights. Don’t miss her live.