Gerard Mas
By Lady San Pedro

Golden cockroaches. A deified mouse. A steak whose marbled qualities have nothing to do with fatty deposits. The latest sculptures by Gerard Mas present the artist’s signature irony, which combines a classical aesthetic with offbeat iconography.
In Ofrena per a gos deitat, a limestone piece of steak is offered to a “dog deity” in a sculpted feeding bowl. In Entomòloga, a lady wears a gold-plated cockroach as a pendant against her polychrome bosom. There’s a bloated infant head. There’s a mouse on a pedestal. Such depictions arouse discomfort, but undeniable across Mas’ works is a masterful touch that elevates any of his subjects.
In Entomòloga-joia, an alabaster hand offers another gold-plated cockroach, antenna and all. Perfectly sculpted with a fine, sumptuous finish, it’s really quite lovely. You might just consider accepting the offer.