Give Me Five!
By Aimee Lawrence

September usually encourages a mad rush to the high street as summer switches to autumn and the need for warmer threads is imminent. Magazines are traditionally packed with advertising, willing us to fill our bags, but this year fashion’s most important shopping month is being gate-crashed by Second Hand September, an Oxfam-led campaigning urging us not to buy new clothing for the entire 30 days.
Every week 11 million clothing items end up in landfill and the carbon emissions from new clothing bought in the UK every month are greater than the emissions from flying around the world 900 times. Chew on that for a moment. Not buying for 30 days in Barcelona should be easy considering there’s vintage markets on every other weekend, including Give Me 5 this Saturday. Bulging with bargains, nothing will cost you more than €5, and your conscience will be clear.