By Charlotte Stace

Head to El Molino this Thursday for two unique performances - Hidrogenesse and Nebula Millarca.
Electronic mambo, glam-pop, progressive dance, situationism, ceremonial ballads, and comic mysticism make up the sounds and sights of more than two decades of Hidrogenesse. Formed of Carlos Ballesteros and Genís Segarra, the Catalan duo will perform a collection of new covers, sequels and improvisations based on recordings from their latest album Joterías Bobas (2019).
As well, performer and soprano singer Nebula Millarca will present Queer Respexit, a queer and LGTBIQ+ appropriation of Christian iconography that calls for the return of the fertility goddesses and the goat god in opposition to the Virgin Mary and Satan. In this pagan mass, the Visitation of the Travesti Virgin and her angels will take place in a ritual in which darkwave electronica will be fused with opera and the violins of Los Gabis.