By Sophie Cameron

So Mucho Flex by Claudia Pagés
Dance center La Poderosa celebrates Valentine’s weekend with IN_PRESCINDIBLES, one of various cycles giving a platform to dancers, artists, choreographers and performers eager to share their explorations of dance, body and beyond.
The project’s latest session includes four new and very distinct work by artists working in different spheres. Art historian and dancer Mar Medina navigates between the driving forces of the protagonist’s head and heart in Con Fe Hasta Meta, a story inspired by rally driving, while Victoria Macarte discusses the liberating power of cherries in her Fine Cherry Conference.
Audiovisual artists Fran Blanes explores the conflict between word and image in Classes in (De)Composition of the Spanish Language, a fascinating breakdown of language that vacillates between Catalan and Spanish. Finally, Amsterdam-based Claudia Pagés introduces a contortionist, a body builder and a vogue dancer in video piece So Much Flex, a videocasting portraying different notions of performance.