ISEA 2022
By Charlotte Stace

Expanding the program open to the public, the CCCB, the epicentre of ISEA2022 Barcelona, hosts the keynote speech of Christl Baur, head of the prestigious Ars Electronica Festival.
Baur is particularly interested in the conjunction of aesthetic and social practices that centre on collaboration and experimentation and challenge dominant social, political, and economic protocols. Her research field encompasses topics such as video art, new media technologies, computer art, biotechnology, and interactive art, and she works at the nexus of art & science.
Expanding the ISEA program to the public, the CCCB will host four keynote speeches at its Theatre by leading figures in their respective fields: Olga Goriunova, academic and curator in the fields of digital arts and cultures; Joan Fontcuberta, internationally renowned photographer and conceptual artist; Christl Baur, head of the prestigious Arts Electronica Festival; and Ricard Solé, expert in complex systems analysis and synthetic biology.