KBr Flama 23
By Charlotte Stace

Fundación MAPFRE holds its annual project called KBr as a way of spotlighting young talent from Barcelona’s leading photography schools. This 3rd edition presents the work of Alan Balzac (Galicia, 1999), Ivette Blaya (Barcelona, 2000), Rocío Madrid (Melilla, 1988), and Lucía Morón (Buenos Aires, 1997).
Through a variety of creative processes involving analogue and digital photography, collage, manipulation of archival images and video, the selected projects explore gender, social and familial mandates, as well as the body and the border.Alan Balzac proposes an intimate reflection on the search, encounter and destruction of identity; Ivette Blaya uses the thought-provoking figure of the bonsai to reflect on the dynamics of body domination that regulate our society; Rocío Madrid offers a look at the border city of Melilla through an autobiographical filter, and Lucía Morón invites us to question the paradigm of romantic love.