La Cursa dels Nassos
By Ben Holbrook

Don’t worry if you haven’t achieved as much as you’d hoped in 2019, because you’ve still got one final chance to put your best foot forward and do something to be proud of.
Starting at 5:30pm on December 31st, the Cursa dels Nassos invites you to run a legit 10km race. The event is organized by Barcelona City Council, via the Institut Barcelona Esports, and directed by the Agrupació Atlètica Catalunya, which means you can expect to be running alongside as many as 14,000 professional and non-professional athletes. Register online, or in person at CEM Horta Esportiva by December 22nd, then on the day of the event head to the Mar Bella municipal sports complex to collect your number, chip and t-shirt, and start warming up.
The race sets out from Carrer de Selva de Mar with Plaça Ramon Calsina. Celebrate your arrival at the finish line while ringing in the new year (if you make it in time) with a bottle of bubbly on Barceloneta beach!