La Petonada
By Marta Molas

April 23rd, Sant Jordi, is an important date on the calendar for all Catalans. This day of roses and books is also the day of couples and love. The tradition of La Petonada began several years ago as celebration of kissing… loooots of kissing. It forms part of a series organized by the Òmnium cultural association together with various LGBT+ organizations.
This year, with the theme Estima com Vulguis (Love How You Like), La Petonada defends the rights of alternative families and marriage and relationship equality. The day at Plaça Universitat will start at 11am with literary and family activities (storytelling, a mobile library, a graffiti workshop, interviews with writers…) and in the afternoon there will be a reading of the event’s manifesto together with concerts, a DJ session (Choco Churros) and dancing. And all day long there will be rounds of “La Petonada” with everyone encouraged to kiss people next to them.
Rounding out the afternoon at 6pm will be the Kiss Factor contest, which aims to find the best kiss of 2017. The competition will be presented by amantis Gràcia shop manager Imma Sust; as master of ceremonies she’ll announce the winners and give out the prizes – erotic and romantic gifts from amantis, naturally.