La plata
By Charlotte Stace

Formed in Valencia, La Plata consists of Maria Gea (bass), Patricia Ferragud (synth), Miguel Carmona (drums), Salvador Frasquet (guitar) and Diego Escriche (guitar and singer). Despite its youth (an average of 23 years old), this group mixes modern sounds with the grunge sounds of the 90s Valencian underground rock scene.
They are characterised by fast tempos, entrancing melodies and a new wave ambience. After debuting their first three-song EP ‘Un Atasco’ in 2017, they developed a small fan base that craved more. They brought out their debut full-length album, Desorden, in 2018, which put them at the forefront of the new generation of grunge guitar bands.
Now they promote the release of their second album, Accion Directa (2022). With this record, they embark on a tour across Spain, playing to die hard fans and picking up some new ones along the way. This is definitely one band to see before they’re catapulted to the dizzy heights of fame.