La Quinzena
By Charlotte Stace

Barcelona welcomes a new edition of Dansa Metropolitana. With new proposals, spaces and activities, this is one dance festival not to miss out on.
The event will be held across 12 different cities in the Barcelona metropolitan area. Aside from Barcelona, these will include Badalona, L'Hospitalet, Cornellà, El Prat and Viladecans. This year's festival emphasises the connection between sound and movement, exploring how vibrations foster unique dialogues between body and music.
What to expect? The festival will hold dance events in theatres, social centres, streets, squares and other public spaces. Some of this year’s highlights include: Sònia Gómez (Different Cities, March 21st, 22nd, 26th and 28th), Magdaena Garzon (Barelona, March 20th & 21st), B.DANCE (L’Hospitalet, March 22nd), and Col·lectiu Big Bouncers (Different Cities March 22nd & 23rd), and Colectivo Banquet (Different Cities, March 23rd).