Lea Desandre and Thomas Dunford
By Charlotte Stace

Ever wanted to see inside the Basilica de Sant Just i Sant Pastor? Now you have the perfect opportunity. L’auditori has organised a special performance from mezzo-soprano Lea Desandre and lute player Thomas Dunford, which will be held within the Basilica.
Entitled ‘Laissez durer la nuit’ (Let the Night Last), this performance showcases a programme on the musical outputs of 17th-century French composers, including pastoral work by Michel Lambert, Marc-Antoine Charpentier and Marin Marais, among others. Sébastien Le Camus is the composer of ‘Laissez durer la nuit’, a famous song and tribute to the night in the tradition of an aubade. The concert combines vocal pieces, accompanied by instruments, all in the intimate style of French music from 350 years ago with the grandeur and pomposity of the French courtly music performed at Versailles.
So book your tickets and get ready to soak up some culture in a superb setting.