LOOP Festival 2021
By Charlotte Stace

Through a wide range of exhibitions, screenings and performances all over Barcelona from November 9th to 21st, this year’s edition of LOOP Festival will explore the potential of the body as a tool for communication and self-representation, and as a catalyst for collective change.
The title is a reference to Daniel Pennac’s novel Journal d’un corps (2012). By advocating for the literary genre of the diary, the author tells the life story of the protagonist through the perspective of their sentient body, celebrating it as the ever-changing mirror of one’s being in the world.
Every year, the festival’s programme is put together thanks to the engagement of an ever growing community of artists, curators and museum directors. This edition sees the participation of a number of practitioners living and working in Barcelona, or that have developed a strong relationship with the city. Among them: María Alcaide, Laura Arensburg, Blanca Arias, Valentina Alvarado Matos, and David Bestué.